
I think this is something definitely needed and easier than
dealing with so many versions of mod_jk, etc. and since
they are all TC related, probably better than commons for
right now.

Mike Braden

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:18 PM
Subject: [PROPOSAL/VOTE] New Repositories for Collaborative Development

Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of discussion on
collaborative development, across the various Tomcat branches, on two
major areas:

* Web connectors

* A new Jasper (the "jasper34" proposal)

and efforts have begun in the HEAD branch "proposals" directory of the
jakarta-tomcat repository.  I'd like to propose a slightly different
approach -- create two new repositories (perhaps
"jakarta-tomcat-connectors" and "jakarta-tomcat-jasper") to be the homes
of these development efforts, independent of any of the existing code
bases.  The reasoning for this approach is as follows:

* Avoid any appearance of politics or attachment based
  on which repository the code is hosted in

* Make it easier to enforce the technical separation of
  this code from any existing Tomcat base code (you have
  to declare external dependencies pretty directly)

* Avoid the need for everyone working on these shared
  components to have *all* of the Tomcat code on all branches
  checked out all the time -- you can focus on the repository
  for your favorite Tomcat plus the common stuff you care about

* Smaller CVS repositories means faster CVS checkouts for everyone
  on daedalus, on all projects

Because these repositories would both be part of the overall Tomcat
subproject, all existing and new Tomcat committers would have commit
access to both of them, just as we all have access to "jakarta-tomcat" and
"jakarta-tomcat-4.0" today.

Comments?  Questions?  Votes?

Craig McClanahan

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