
I know there are two (or three) different classpaths within Tomcat 3.2.  

The question is, does Jasper, when compiling JSP files, use the Context
Classpath, which referrs to the WEB-INF/classes directory for that
specific JSP?

If not, how could I add the Context Classpath to the Jasper code?

Can someone point me to a breakdown of the classloading within Jasper
specifically?  I've seen the classloading for Servlets, and that is all

Thank you in advance for any tips, pointers, or direction.


  /~>'find `funny quote`': Command not found; humor not installed.  
              1986 Concours 72,xxx   CDA #00046  COG AMA
  Overland Park, KS     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     PCS: 316-371-FOAD

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