Mladen Turk wrote:
Something useful for me ;), but would like to hear other people
opinions and sugestions. I've posted that couple of months ago,
but now it's finished.

The sources and binaries are at:

Here is some brief explanation how the thing works:



1. Redirect console applications
2. Running redirected applications as services
3. Console or Windows GUI application mode to avoid any
   temporarily flashing console windows in case the procrun
   is invoked by a GUI program.
4. Running Java applications using default or specified JVM
5. Service management Install/Start/Stop/Delete/Update
Supercool, a replacement for JavaService :)
(well, I didn't try it yet, but the feature list looks great :-D )

Ok, I really think you need to put that code in j-t-c or the commons sandbox ;-)


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