Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
Zzzzoui :-)

I will do that (on my own time unfortunalty, so may take a couple of weeks....)

First, it would be easier just to convert the web.xml into security permissions, and to keep internal collections, for unchecked, excluded, and role permissions than to do all this constraint processing work. A simple call to collection.implies, could then be used for the decision logic (which would be just one step short of integrating with an external jsr 115 policy provider).

Then a full jsr115 implementation can happen once I'm sure step one works :-)

Mmm, ok. I'm not quite following very well, since I didn't read the spec yet ;-) If I understand, you would implement something which would work as the JSR 115 security policy provider, but (likely :) ) simpler ?
Would it be equivalent performance wise to the current solution if JSR 115 support is disabled ?


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