+1 for the proposal (comment on the scope of the proposed PMC in line)
+1 for a annually rotating chair with an option to be reelected


Stefan Bodewig wrote:
some comments from an outsider, please forgive me 8-)
You will also find that if a proposal had problems in the past, it
usually has been because of the project scope it described.

      RESOLVED, that the Apache Tomcat PMC be and hereby is
      responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
      related to creation and maintenance of open-source software
      related to Servlet and Java Server Pages technologies based
      on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

may be a bit broad - I mean, Struts, Tapestry, Turbine and others are
"related to Servlet and Java Server Pages technologies", aren't they?

Implementation of the Servlet and JavaServer Pages JSRs?  I'm honestly
not sure myself.

I assume you mean "related to the Implementation of the Servlet and JavaServer Pages JSRs" since "Implementation of the Servlet and JavaServer Pages JSRs" would be very narrow and exclude important parts of Tomcat such as clustering support, AJP support, etc.

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