Casas, Claudia wrote:

Oki doki,
I just added the port 8080 following QM suggestions and also thanks very much for your help. The results here: But unfortunately I still cannot see my http://my.ip.address:8080. Getting page cannot be displayed. :(

OK, so, you have a mild network permission issue. Can you access it via Apache?

If yes, then go that way and nibble on the Linux firewall along the way. One good tool for setting up Linux IPtables fiewall is ShoreWall. It is a set of templates that have "easy to setup" general config files, like "zones", "interfaces", "rules",... When ShoreWall is activated, it uses those config files, plus it's internal templates, to generate IPtables rules. It might be easier to setup network access permissions that way.

So, the nice thing is that ShoreWall is not "another new plugin that requires X or Y to work as intended". It is a set of templates on top of IP tables. You can always remove it, clear IPtables or add something to the bunch manually (not a good idea, really).


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