Thanks QM! This works now! :) yuppiii!
I run the same command for the iptables with a bit change:

        >iptables -t filter -I RH-Firewall-1-INPUT 7\
                -p tcp --dport 8080     \
                -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
        >service iptables save
the -I option to insert this rule in a specific line number, in my case
And it works. My tomcat can be seen from the outside now.

By the way, I managed to run tomcat from a user tomcat and not from
root. :)

Also, I added the following lines in the server.xml file at the very
After the last </Context> tag and before the last </Host> tag:

      <Context path="/~dln" docBase="/home/dln/wwwdocs" debug="0"
                reloadable="true" crossContext="true">

This allows me to now see the jsp's located in /home/dln/wwwdocs as

But I would like to be able to access this file with no 8080 port at
all, like this:

Does anybody know how to accomplish this?

I tested the following : http://localhost:8080/examples and
http://localhost/examples and they both work fine.
If I try to reach from the outside it
works fine, but I cannot see the

-----Original Message-----
From: QM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 6:18 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: three problems

Clearly, my eyes aren't as sharp when I'm half-awake. 

Here's the culprit:

: REJECT     all  --  
: icmp-host-prohibited

That's the tail end of the chain, so any rules appended to that chain
(like the Tomcat rule I showed you) will never be reached.

Rerun the "iptables --list" command, but use the switch to show rule
numbers.  You can then run the other iptables command I showed you, but
use *insert* instead of *append*.  Be sure to insert above that last
reject rule.

See the iptables docs/manpage for more info, commandline switches, etc.



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