On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 12:30:26PM -0600, Casas, Claudia wrote:
: Thanks QM! This works now! :) yuppiii!

Excellent -- and thank you for posting what you did.  That'll help
someone else in the archives.

: But I would like to be able to access this file with no 8080 port at
: all, like this: http://my.domain.com/~dln/myfile.jsp
: Does anybody know how to accomplish this?

You once mentioned, Apache is in front of Tomcat, correct?
This will involve a tweak to the JK config, and (perhaps) Apache's
mod_userdir (or whatever it's called) to pass requests for /~user to

I'm vague on the details, because I'm short on time today.
Good luck,



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