Hi Mike,

Some thoughts.  If anyone sees errors please let me know - 
it may save me time in the long run!

> Tomcat doing this,  because my Application ran just fine,   
> using MySQL,
> and JDBC driver in a Web Server called OmniCron  in CGI 

        If I recall correctly, the CGI approach throws everything
        away after each request.  I moved from Perl CGI to Java 
        Servlets a few years back partly to make use of the
        -reuse aspect.  I think there was Mod Perl or something 
        that sort of did this with Perl.
        Any road up, you may find that that is why the CGI version
        worked.  Maybe it was freeing/releasing things when the 
        CGI script/prog finished each request.  You got a virgin
        state every time.

> format..... The only thing different now is,  Im trying to 
> run SERVLETS using Apache/Tomcat.....  At the Start of  each 
> Servlet I do  a connect to database CONNECT TO 
> 'jdbc:mysql://'
> DRIVER 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
> Then do my processing and then do a DISCONNECT ALL......

        Are you sure the disconnect all is being fired when
        you think it is?

        Also, is there any chance the the disconnect all is
        freeing something you later depend on in subsequent 
        requests?  For example, do you have an init() method
        in your servlet that (initially) creates/connects,
        and the doGet/doPost then uses the connection?

        If this is the case, check the disconnect all is not
        closing/nullifying the connections since the init()
        won't get fired again.  This might explain why the CGI
        implementation did make it through.

> It just does not make sense I can connect ONE TIME only when running a
> Servlet and have to back out of app,  STOP,  START,  and go 
> back in,   to
> get another one time connection.....    the 08002, connection 
> name in use,
> to me,   points to Tomcat ......

> But as I said,  Im just a baby in diapers to this world...... 
>  I believe its
> something in one of the .xml files,   but I have no idea.....

        I don't know for sure - but it sounds like the sort
        of right-of-passage problem most of us have had when
        first starting with servlets.

        I'd recommend gratuitous use of;

                System.err.println( "Now executing {your method name}

        then stare at the console window for Tomcat to see what's being
        executed.  It's always my last port of call for this sort of

> As for Connection Pooling,    is that for a system taking 
> large numbers of
> hits on it?????  Right now, Im just one guy trying to make 
> one connection work.....

        I use connection pooling on my intranet site which has 
        low traffic but large/complex applications on the server.

        I use it for two reasons;

                a) It shifts some of the work to a thirdparty 
                   bunch of code that I didn't have to write
                b) Saves time on the creation/connection cycle
                   for DB-centric applications.

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