Thanks for the response.

My point is simply that the files have to reside _somewhere_, correct?  So
if they have to reside _somewhere_, they might as well reside in the
structure intended for them.  The act of putting them in location A vs.
location B is exactly the same, only the destination is different.

The rest is housekeeping, and in my mind, it makes more sense to write a
housekeeping tool (or use a build/deploy tool) than it does to circumvent an
intentional design.  The only other problem is duplicates, as you pointed
out, but again, that's housekeeping.  As long as you know who/what has which
file, the fact that there are two copies of the file is pretty irrelevant
from a practical viewpoint.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ralph Einfeldt [mailto:ralph.einfeldt@;]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 4:29 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Tomcat and CLASSPATH
> We have following reqirements:
> - each site can have a different version of a tool
> - many sites share the same vesion of the tool
> - a site may change the needed version of a tool
> - a site may replace a tool by a different one
>   (switch from postgres to firebird)
> We have a setup like this:
> /usr/local/tool-a-v1/lib/toola.jar
> /usr/local/tool-a-v2/lib/toola.jar
> /usr/local/tool-a-v3/lib/toola.jar
> /usr/local/tool-b-v1/lib/toolb.jar
> /usr/local/tool-b-v2/lib/toolb.jar
> /www/online/
> /www/online/
> ...
> /www/online/
> Currently we use jserv and gnujsp.
> jserv has the concept of repositories. The repositories are 
> added by jserv to the internal classpath. We use the repositories 
> to connect a site with the tools it needs. So it's very easy
> to change the versions of the tool or to replace the tool.
> Now to tomcat:
> Without linking we would have to copy the libraries into 
> the tomcat directory structure for each site.
> With copying I see two disadvantages for us:
> - We would have several copies of the same libraries.
>   Although disk space get cheaper, this is something
>   that disturbs me (May be caused by the fact that 
>   my first hard disk had less space than a modern 
>   grafic card or handheld has memory: 40MB)
> - We loose the 'natural' information which
>   version of the library we use in specific site.
> - If we would have to replace a version of a tool
>   by a patched version, we could just replace the
>   central file, now we have to copy this file to
>   all instances that use this version.
> With linking the libraries we could solve both 
> disadvantages for us.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Turner, John [mailto:JTurner@;]
> > Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 5:39 PM
> > To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> > Subject: RE: Tomcat and CLASSPATH
> >  
> > 
> > We don't use symbolic links.  Everything is under Tomcat's 
> > directory tree.
> > 
> > What is the advantage to using symbolic links or an external 
> > classpath?  I'm not seeing what advantage you would get.
> > 
> --
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