Hello guys.

    Bear with me on this.  Lot of you probably will say RTFM and such, but
this is sort of something that need to be fully documented so that it can be
fully understood by someone who is sort of new to Tomcat and been dabbling
with it for a while.

    Now...the questions I have is more centralized around the two servers
setup for the webhosting.  Speaking of it, I mean by having the Apache as
the Front End Webserver, with Tomcat sitting on it own server as the
application server.  That is pretty simple enough which I can understand by
using the connector part.

    Now..the hard part is this.  Where and how do I put the files that is
related to java webpages and jars and such to be placed?  Is it on the
Webserver itself or it should be in the Tomcat Application server?  And how
do I set it accordly in the configuration files for it to work properly?  I
mean..Tomcat got the configuration files for Tomcat but what about the
users?  Since I figures I would like to set it up that they can add the
jsp/servlet capabilities by themselves by automatication or it have to be
configured for each?  Let say for example this:

    The user have mix of PHP and Servlets.  All of those are found in the
webserver which is normal.  And I like to set as default for everyone to
serve up the servlets as this url link:
http://www.nobody.com/servlet/(servlet)  and for people who want to serve up
the jsp pages, be like this: http://www.nobody.com/index.jsp.  That is the
biggest problem I am looking at for mass virtual hosting application since
the documentations are pretty poor on this aspect, dispite all the wealth of
documenations.  It just don't addresses it directly of what I wanted to do
in the first place.

    And if you are wondering why I want to set it up as two servers, it is
because I am implementing the firewall DMZ sones with webservers in the DMZ
zone, the application servers like Tomcat and DB Servers in the Secure Zone
which is not open to the net directly.

    So...I appreciate if someone can give in depth details on how this is
done by examples and the snippets of codes that allows it.  Don't need to
show me how to do the connector part, since I can understand that part very
well.  Just the rest, I need to understand completely so I can try it and
work on the code to automatically generate the configuration and such on the
fly for the customers who desires it.


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