On 16/07/10 02:02 AM, Vladimir Kotal wrote:

This has been sitting in my workspace for a long time (after doing
initial round of code review with Danek and Eric) and it generally works
nicely so I'd like to get another chance to finish this.

The idea of the changes is simple - convert wsdiff to use number of
threads each of which grabs an item from the list of changed files,
processes it and moves on to the next one, until the list is empty.

The changes are fairly straightforward; notable gotchas:
- the SIGINT handling is best effort due to Python threading limitations
- the 20% formula for computing number of threads comes from extensive

webrev is here:


(a) please add timestamps to the wsdiff section in nightly.sh so
    we know how long it's taking

(b) how long does this take on a full debug+nondebug build?

(c) have you tested this with python2.6 as well?

(d) have you had a crack at making the calls to elfdump an internal

(e) likewise, how about using the difflib and filecmp modules rather
    than calling out for the OS versions?

Senior Software Engineer, Solaris
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