On 07/16/10 03:06 AM, James C. McPherson wrote:


(a) please add timestamps to the wsdiff section in nightly.sh so
we know how long it's taking


(b) how long does this take on a full debug+nondebug build?

Depends on the machine and the nature of the changes. The speedup observed during my test runs on different machines was at least 5 times. If you're interested in specific setup/HW just let me know and I will run the tests.

(c) have you tested this with python2.6 as well?

Only just now. It complains about popen2 module being deprecated but otherwise runs without a problem. In fact, wsdiff does not need that module anymore so I removed it.

(d) have you had a crack at making the calls to elfdump an internal

You mean there is a Python library which implements the elfdump functionality ? Can you point me to it ?

(e) likewise, how about using the difflib and filecmp modules rather
than calling out for the OS versions?

I believe this entails:
a) replacing diff_cmd as it is used in diffFileData() by some function from difflib. b) using filecmp for both top-level (proto area comparison in protoCatalog()) and archive contents comparison compareArchives())

a) using difflib probably means to abandon the current diff format in the results file since it basically supports ndiff/unified_diff/context_diff. Okay, I could post-process the output from unified_diff() to simulate the currently used context-less diff (as produced by /usr/bin/diff when run w/o arguments) but maybe it's time to make the output better. I'd vote for unified_diff() with default context (n=3). (and maybe make the number tunable ?) b) filecmp.dircmp() nicely does the job of recursively comparing 2 directories (at least according to the examples/capabilities, haven't played with it yet) and will simplify the code a bit.

Both are good ideas but since they are not directly related to the changes and will take some time to finish I'd like to do them separately.

While going through the code again I also removed the .esa file support.

webrev refreshed.

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