Triode wrote: 
> ... original firmware (have you tried that yet?) ...

Well first: sorry for being a bit slow, I have never been into Linux,
and even less into programming, up to now.

Now, as far as I understand, your fix in Kernel #9 adresses the
recognition of the (otherwise non-Linux-compatible) Teac. I suspect as
well, that this should be quite similar in my dac. I have the
impression, that the firmwares are provided by the vendor of the TE8802L
chip, which means, that my audio-gd might as a matter of fact have the
same bug in the firmware.

And I supposed as you, that, if it is supposed to work with the Teac
with the original firmware on it, there is good chance it works on mine.
Has somewone seen it working on one of those te8802-based Teac anyway?

So I flashed the original firmware back to the 8802-based digital
interface. When I tried this with your original EDO - kernel, SBT booted
up and showed directly the screen, where the sound card has to be
choosen. And in this case, no usb-dac appeared at all (only analog/dig
or dig only could been chosen from).

The difference now is:

With the 8802-interface with the original firmware installed, it stays
indefnitely at a screen that says "DAC not connected".

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