diego wrote: 
> Well first: sorry for being a bit slow, I have never been into Linux,
> and even less into programming, up to now.
> Now, as far as I understand, your fix in Kernel #9 adresses the
> recognition of the (otherwise non-Linux-compatible) Teac. I suspect as
> well, that this should be quite similar in my dac. I have the
> impression, that the firmwares are provided by the vendor of the TE8802L
> chip, which means, that my audio-gd might as a matter of fact have the
> same bug in the firmware.
> And I supposed as you, that, if it is supposed to work with the Teac
> with the original firmware on it, there is good chance it works on mine.
> Has somewone seen it working on one of those te8802-based Teac anyway?
> So I flashed the original firmware back to the 8802-based digital
> interface. (Pro memoria: When I tried this with your original EDO -
> kernel, SBT booted up and showed directly the screen, where the sound
> card has to be choosen. No usb-dac appeared at all, only analog/dig or
> dig only could been chosen from).
> With Kernel #9, the difference is as follows:
> With the 8802-interface with the original firmware installed, it stays
> indefnitely at a screen that says "DAC not connected".
> EDIT: Stuck for now... I wanted to try the "Test Firmware" connected to
> a Knoppix Linux CD booted notebook to look, if there is a difference. So
> I needed to flash back my Digital Interface to "Liunx Test" - firmware.
> And there it got messed up. It stopped in the middle and is not
> accessible anymore since then... I wrote the vendors of audio-gd and of
> TE8802L, but I fear, I will have to send the Digital Interface to
> repair... F-word. So... experimenting will take a bit longer, and
> obviousely, I will think twice before restarting...
> LUCKILY, Triode (thanks!!!) did the Test-Kernels so, that it was
> possible to revert everything to stock. I was already fearing that I
> would run into another problem, as rebooting the SBT, it got directly to
> the "DAC not connected" screen to stay there forever. No possibility
> though, to get into the menu and to reinstall the stock Kernel. So I
> just tried a factory reset, however knowing, that this does not download
> the firmware, just resetting the settings. So I risked to get into an
> even worse situation, as there was of course the possiblity that I would
> get back to the "DAC not connected" screen, even before having the
> possibility to configure the Network and open the SSH connection, so
> there was a risk of closing me completely out of my SBT. However, I
> think, Triode was wise enough to program his EDO and Kernels so, that I
> got back to the standard menu after resetting, and I redownload the
> stock firmware and now I can reconfigure my SBT from scratch.
> At least, the SBT works again, however, async USB is sleeping for now.
> And after experiencing this huge sound improvement yesterday on 44.1k
> and 48k files, using EDO and Kernel 9, I must admit, that I am indeed
> frustrated that I can't continue building on that and even worse, have
> to send in my DI... (whereby shipping to China and back is probably the
> more expensive part, than the exchanging the maybe dead-flashed
> TE8802L-Chip).
> EDIT #2 : Kingwa from audio-gd helped me... by shortcuting some
> capacitor for a second, something got reset, I was able to flash again.
> That made, that the original firmware worked again on a windows laptop.
> Of course, my curiosity forced me to re-flash my DI... to Text-Linux.
> So, the situatin is like yesterday.
> With regards to my try on Knoppix, whether there the "Linux Test
> Firmware" would work correctly: By default, the notebook internal sound
> was activated. And I could not figure out, where to find the usb
> soundcard. I'm a complete Linux Newbie... So I tried the only thing that
> occured to me: cat /proc/asound/cards. The outcome was, that the path
> did not exist.
> However happy, that at the end, I did not completely mess up my new DI,
> as initially feard.
> EDIT #3: Is there a way to make the Server downsample everything, that
> is 88.2 or above? (but not touching files that are already 44.1 or 48)?
> This would allow me, to keep the async. connection as long as a full
> Linux compatibility is not developped...

Hi - do you have it running in windows or linux firmware at present?  Do
you know if the windows version will work standards uac 2 drivers.  If
you do go back to the windows version, could you test 2 things:
1) Does it work at all frequencies on a windows PC?
2) What does the dmesg show when you connect it to SBT running kernel #9
- even if it is not working, it would be useful to know what the error
messages say.

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