Cut-Throat wrote: 
> I thought I would ask Beats Audio myself, so I e-mailed them and asked
> about the Squeezebox integration.
> *-Hey Kevin,
> Thanks for following up. I'll pass on your feedback to our product team.
> Please know that we would love to develop a Squeezebox integration,
> it's just a matter of prioritizing resources at this point.  Our goal is
> to offer an open API in the future. 
> All the best,
> Zoƫ at Beats Audio-*
Thanks for going straight to the source. The stock reply is only
incrementally more informative than the idle speculation we've had on
this thread, but it's good to remind the Beats people about paying SB

The person who responded can be forgiven for not knowing, but I sure
hope someone on the product team is aware that SB integration is
_already_ developed. It's a very small part of the package for which
they paid US$14m.

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