Cut-Throat wrote: 
> Thinking about the Beat Audio launch scheduled this month. It would not
> be a very good launch plan to render MOG useless for all Squeezebox
> Touch users. I am sure that they are aware that they have quite a few
> Monthly Subscriptions from Squeezebox Touch users. If you think about
> it, this would be a Bigtime Mistake for Beats Audio.
> I would bet they'll make it work!
How much do you wanna bet?  

Only kidding, but sorry, I bet the number of monthly subscriptions from
SB users (and it can be any SB, no reason it has to be a Touch) is
pretty small in the Beats business plan scheme of things. Of course, I
don't have the numbers to back that up, and I doubt you have the numbers
either. I don't expect they'll go out of their way to break the current
functionality, but there have been plenty of cases of streaming services
innocently breaking things when they upgrade their side of things, and
those were for cases that were a continuation of existing services,
rather than a cut-over to a new service. 

We can all hope, but I don't take the lack of communication to SB owners
from Beats about a change that is happening in two days to be a positive
sign. Fingers crossed, and listening to MOG right now....

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