Redrum wrote: 
> In all my sb years, I have not heard anything like you describe, but one
> thing to consider/keep in mind is grounding, ground loops, and EMI
> interference. Usually these problems are more of a hum or buzz. I have a
> receiver hooked to an old analog integrated amp in my garage that
> occasionally starts to buzz, then with a "snap" sound it stops. I have
> yet to find out why, as it happens so infrequently. I think my circa
> 70's amplifier has a ground issue somewhere, maybe it changes with heat,
> who knows. 
> The SB power supplies are all switching, so they are electromagnetically
> noisy as well. 
> fingers crossed that your mystery resolved itself :), but if it does
> reappear, and you can recreate it, swap things out, even the outlet it's
> plugged into, items nearby that might be radiating EMI, the touch power
> supply, the amplifier you are using, try the analog instead of digital
> out, stream internet, local media, etc. Just keep swapping until you can
> eliminate some of the possible causes.
> Jim

Yep, I had already started to collect bits and pieces to build an analog
power supply, very simple one comprising suitable transformer, bridge
rectifier, caps, zener and a couple of transistors to eliminate this
possible source of interference. I had everything on hand except the
correct size DC power socket. The audio is fed to the amp using plain
RCA stereo leads.  

So far, Happiness rules!


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