For what it's worth I use our internal tracs pretty frequently on my
iPhone, and it works quite well. A mobile template might make it a bit
easier, but I really don't have many complaints about it.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Jani Tiainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jevans kirjoitti:
>> Maybe it depends on the device and/or browser?
> Yes, greatly. (See below)
>> My WM6 HTC Mogul tends to be the device I use most for browsing and
>> interacting with trac-hacks, t.e.o, and this google users list.  I
>> switch between the built-in IE and Opera.  The built-in IE doesn't
>> work for t.e.o because for some reason it only puts one word
>> (occasionally two) on each line - doesn't have that problem with any
>> other Trac site I've found.  Opera works great with t.e.o but doesn't
>> handle the google groups as well - shows lots of fields and text that
>> clearly should be hidden.
>> Anyway, the Mogul has the 240x320 screen and a fairly decent size
>> slide out keyboard.  I think that last bit might be the key to
>> usability when it comes to data entry.  I used T9 for quite a while
>> with my old Nokia (which I loved) but it'd be hard to go back.
> Well this is the catch: there are some mobile devices with "fullsized"
> keyboards. They can be very easily to be used to do complex text
> entries. I've no experience with newer touchscreens how you could use
> handwriting but I guess that would be pretty easy too.
> But traditional 12 button keypads are pretty pain to use to type
> arbitary texts and usually it's just faster to take a photo... :)
> I haven't yet managed to make VPN connection to our old Cisco VPN so I
> can't be sure could I use browser(s) to handle Trac.
> --
> Jani Tiainen
> >

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