Eirik Schwenke wrote:
> Christian Boos mentioned "the WikiEngine refactoring which will make it
> possible to generate structured output (e.g. Genshi events or docutils
> nodes, so that we could hijack the docutils writers for generating the
> static documentation)"
> Has this taken place in trunk ? 

No, this is not yet started (0.13?).

>  I think the consensus is that there are
> problems with managing documentation (exclusively) in the (any) wiki,
> due to difficulties with maintaining separate versions (0.11, 0.12 as
> well as multiple languages) -- but making it easier to do general
> transforms on the wiki content would be great either way.
> This is beginning to sound a bit like reinventing xml and xlst -- even
> though I personally think working with either of those tend to be painful.
> Christian further mentions: "(Trac has) Much improved table markup (the
> reST table markup is unbearable)".

The "(Trac has)" shortcut is quite misleading. I never said that the 
current Trac table markup is any better than the reStructuredText one...
What I actually said was:
I don't see why we should stop improving Trac abilities in this domain 
(producing documentation).
Here are some of the relevant *work items*:
- the WikiEngine refactoring which will make it possible to generate
structured output (e.g. Genshi events or docutils nodes, so that we
could hijack the docutils writers for generating the static documentation)
- Section editing (#1024) so that big pages like the FAQ could be
easily edited
- *Much improved table markup* (the reST table markup is unbearable)
- Lots of possible minor improvements to the syntax and rendering, in
order to make writing documentation a more enjoyable experience (i.e. we
have full control over the feature set)
(from http://groups.google.com/group/trac-dev/msg/4d2ae7546c67fba4?hl=en)

... so this was instead recognizing the weaknesses of both markups when 
it comes to tables.

> ===== ===== =====            ||Cell1||Cell2||Cell3||
> Cell1 Cell2 Cell3            ||Cell4||Cell5||Cell6||
> Cell4 Cell5 Cell6
> ===== ===== =====

The reStructuredText markup is easier to read, but a pain to write (the 
cells have to line up). The current Trac wiki is less trouble to write, 
but harder to read in the wiki source.

There are several improvements I'd like to do in the specific case of 
tables. One is to make it possible to use a wiki processor for big 
cells, e.g.
any multiline wiki markup here ...
(much like #!div)

Also, I just took the occasion of this mail to dump some some Wiki 
syntax enhancement ideas in 
and there are some more ideas related to tables there.

-- Christian

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