On Aug 5, 1:05 am, Иван Бессарабов <i...@bessarabov.ru> wrote:
> Can you please explain, why are you using WebSVN? Why "browse" in trac is
> not suiting you?

The differences between Trac's repository browser and WebSVN are
subtle, and the only reason I'm also using WebSVN is that my hosting
provider supplies it with their standard package.  I don't think I
would take the time to set it up if I was admin on the server.  The
added features WebSVN allows are:
 * Create a tarball of a directory
 * RSS feeds for individual directories
 * Blame view
 * Multi repository support
I find WebSVN is slightly more user friendly, but that is just a
personal preference.  The main reason to use WebSVN I can see is if
you wanted to provide access to a repository that is not associated
with Trac.  Trac doesn't yet have mult-repository support as far as I
know (at least not without using plug-ins).  WebSVN could give you
access to another repository, such as a public open source project
that you might be using.

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