On Dec 4, 2:20 pm, "Matt Quackenbush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Matt Graf wrote:
> > I don't think I am explaining myself very well lets see if I can
> > explain it a little better
> > Here is an example of where I tell transfer to use my decorator
> > <object name="widget_one" table="widget_one"
> > decorator="model.decorators.widget_one">
> > now what I want is for transfer to use my base decorator without
> > telling transfer to do so.
> > is that possible?
> No.

I'm going to have to cry foul on this. It *is* possible, but it
requires some creativity.

1. Create your special decorator object.
2. Create a single instance of this object and add it as a listener
for the AfterNewTransferEvent.
3. Implement the actionAfterNewTransferEvent() method such that it
mixes the two components together and does setup.


        Mix the two components together. Only mixes the public stuff, so if
you need private methods or
        variables you'll need to inject another method and use that.
<cffunction name="actionAfterNewTransferEvent" access="public"
returntype="void" output="false">
        <cfargument name="event" type="transfer.com.events.TransferEvent"

        <cfset var object = arguments.event.getTransferObject()>

        <cfset object.mixin = mixin>
        <cfset object.mixin(variables)>
        <!--- Maybe call some special method like setup() here to allow the
special decorator to do setup --->

<cffunction name="mixin" access="public" returntype="void"
        <cfargument name="componentVariables" type="any" required="true">

        <cfset structAppend(this,componentVariables.this,false)>
        <cfset structAppend(variables,componentVariables,false)>

In general I'm a big advocate of very dynamic solutions, but this
seems rather extreme with a high cost in terms of maintainability
later. So, while this does work, I'd argue that it'd be better to just
use decorator="BaseDecorator" on every <object/> in your transfer.xml
instead of this much black magic.

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