Aaron S. Joyner wrote:
Perhaps I wasn't clear.  I was simply saying that I did take a hard look
at the base salary, and the other unlikely-to-change benefits of the
team I would be working with, etc - and decided that was enough for me
to make the decision to move to CA and work for Google.  It was only
after-the-fact, that I figured out that it was even possible that my
monetary compensation would be in the realm where I would be grinning
from ear to ear, instead of simply happy and making a good living.  :)
You're totally right -- you did say that. My apologies if I misrepresented you there; I was more agreeing with Magnus than disputing your decision-making process.
It's just a matter of considering which
icing you'd rather have, a few extra K guaranteed per year, or a really
awesome group of guys to work with and the possibility of huge
truckloads of cash.  :)
Sergey and Larry are the ones with the huge truckloads of cash. The opportunity for huge truckloads of cash is not to be found at a post-IPO company. ;)


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