Here is the question that I ask to everyone, Why did we join Trisquel?

 First of all, no one told anything about Trisquel, or FSF philosophy.

I learn by researching and experimenting. Matter fact not even, GNU/LINUX. Honestly, I was trying to salvage my old laptop, with a new OSI. Replacing the polluted win95. Since them, I'm a different person when it comes to understand the difference of Libre and proprietary software.

Respectfully. my humble beginnings started with an old commodore 64, from which I learn "basic", then I was a real hardcore of learning "DOS",and a bit of c+.

In the other hand, One day, I was introduce to UNIX with a Solaris sun spark terminal by a good friend of mines, I love that darn machine, yet my Unix experience was short lived because, I moved out of the area and did learn a new trade which took me into communications hardware, which I made lots of money from, which I retired. Still UNIX was there expose all the time.

Even do I don't like the looks of Mr.RMS, Yet his Philosophy is embedded in my thinking.

That I will quit, Trisquel in the future?, it does not indicates, that I will revert to proprietary, There is alternatives of different libre OSI.

Matter fact, Today I formatted one of my PC's to parabola Libre, and Its not for light minded people.

The FSE PARABOLA is very well documented and once you domain the helm of Parabola is even ten times better than Trisquel, their updates are continuous and with the latest technologies and you have the chance to customize your desktop in accord to your need and taste. Not govern, by some single minded developer telling you what he thinks is best.

Yet Trisquel, in my own small business entrepreneur spirit, owning my very own internet cafe, Most of all my machines were using Trisquel and all my software was Gnu license. nothing was pirated.

At the beginning it was hard, but when the Computer programmers from my near college discover that my machines were GNU/LINUX then my business was good. Until I sold out for triple of my initial investment.
I even upload TRISQUEL mini to 10 machines.

Thank You Ruben for making my day with Trisquel. My decision is not personal but business. I always be loyal to the FSF cause but not TRISQUEL!! UNLESS YOU FIX VER7. Then maybe I will come back.

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