"they are superior to any GNU/Linux distribution out there, FSF-endorsed or not."

I disagree, I don't find all proprietary software superior to Free Software. There are a plethora of great software that is free-software that I use everyday.

What makes them superior is for one the philosophy of freedom that is behind it. As far as GNU/Linux vs. Windows, I have found that installing software is WAYYYY easier in GNU/Linux, instead of dealing with installation packages one only run a quick apt-get or use a program such as synaptic. Printers are truly easy in GNU/Linux also!

Also most proprietaries have gotten in the business of you. The business of using your dependence on them for profit. This is egregious and needs to be fought. Free Software is the only way to stem the tide, that's why promoting it is crucial.

Don't lose heart, keep trucking, and have patience. In the mean time, keep with things that work until you figure how to make what you want work. No one ever said you HAVE to dive head first into using free software. Baby steps, get your knowledge up, and your hardware on par, and come back swinging.


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