First, with Gnome I feel like in the jail, too much things are not very customizable. LXDE it is not bad but it is very downgraded.

Windows 8 it is horrible. Full downgraded.

Yes, Gnome for touchscreens will be better option I think, but not for desktop.

I love apple stock GUI, but It is horrible the downgrade from Leopard-Yosemite, it looks like iPhone or iBad and not desktop computer, with Yosemite you lose your beautiful aqua buttons/scrolls and customization.

The good thing of GNU/Linux, is that you install what you want, and not what want Apple or Micro$soft. You take the full control of your computer/device.

I don't want to says that Gnome is a shitty or crappy, I only say that I hate it.

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