Replicant doesn't seem to be in the cards for me. I carry the most minimal flip phone possible and leave it at home often enough that my adult kids would throw a fit if they ever found out.

They don't like it and are constantly offering to buy me smartphones and reminding me that I don't HAVE to carry an $X phone and that they think I am way too young for the model I had to settle on, which is designed for senior citizens.

It has a wonderful effect on cashiers and other random AFK people who want to collect personal info to spam me. All I really have to do is pull it out, look at it, shrug my shoulders and act confused, and then put it away again.

J.B. Nicholson-Owens' post is absolutely the best ever though. I would totally follow his advice if I didn't have this family.

We put the "fun" back in "dysfunctional". ;)

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