Btw the +1 is from me.

I admire you, Tiberiu, I really do. This post demonstrates how committed you are to your current pursuit.

Hint hint: what I say/think in the past is not necessarily the same as what I say/think now.

Here's what I say/think now: Technoethical is a wonderful company, and I wish you well.

I just wish you'd stop attacking me that's all. I think you're being incredibly petty in your efforts.

As previously stated, I hold no ill will towards you. I'm willing to either cooperate with you, or, since this seems impossible, stay out of your way and leave you alone, to the best of my ability. All you have to do is the exact same thing, and we're good. OK?

The truth is that I'm actually capable of humility. When someone apologizes to me and does things in good faith to demonstrate it, I usually respect them for that. My decision to push for you to be promoted on took everything in me I assure you, but I mean it right here and now that I do not wish to fight you.

Stop attacking, and I'll stop defending. Can we agree on this?

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