He is not attacking you. He is just pointing to facts.

By the way Leah, taking into account the horrible experience that my family and me experienced because of Minifree's service:

May we require you please, at least to treat us with a minimum level of respect? I mean, having into account the situation I think it is the minimum that you . Otherwise, and I say this sincerely, you are leaving Minifree's. Please, do not refer to us like "just 1 angry person". I am personally not angry nor any of the members of my family. I am just trying to tell the experience that we lived because it was not a pleasant one. As customers of Minifree I think we have the right to do that not to say the obligation. And I say obligation because I consider that if anyone experience such an horrible situation with one company that person is under the moral duty of letting others to know about that for preventing others to pass through that experience.

I understand that you do not like to read bad reviews about Minifree... but with all my respects, that is not our fault in anyway. Stop blaming people and say that they are attacking you and began to do things well as Tiberiu said.

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