>When I used T7 I found Icecat to be slow compared to Abrowser


>possibilty due to its extra plugins like LibreJS

Exactly because of it, mainly.

>The version of Abrowser in Trisquel 8 is based on FF57, so it's much faster now.

57, now 58 is night and day compared to any previous version I have used on GNuxion. Addons will slow it down considerably though, and will especially use a lot of RAM. I used to run it first for a couple of weeks with noscript only and it was lightning fast and used only 140 mb when started. Now that I have installed umatrix and httpseverywhere it is considerably slower and it uses 240 mb od RAM on start.

Btw I am wondering: how come we need a stupid addon to make it so we are automatically directed to the encrypted version of a website? Isn't that a necessity? Don't you think Mouzzilla should make such behavior the default feature?

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