Success! Today I:
* used wget to download trisquel_8.0_i686.iso - check!
* checked the md5sum - check!
* used Startup Disk Creator in Belenos to create a bootable USB - check!
* rebooted using the USB - check!
* checked the integrity of the USB - check!
* rebooted and launched a live session using the USB - check!
* connected to WiFi - check!
* logged in here and posted this message - check!

At times, I have worried that I wouldn't be able to run Flidas on my poor old Aspire One, and that I'd have to fall back to Trisquel-Mini, or maybe abandon Trisquel for a more lightweight distro. I'm happy to report Flidas works like a dream with the new Mate DE, and I'll be staying with standard Trisquel!

Next I will try installing to my test partition. I will also test making a T8 USB using my wife's MacOS, following the instructions on the wiki, and try booting into Trisquel on her Mac too. I'll also download Trisquel-Mini and test that. Will report back on the results.

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