Hola a todos.

   Tengo Trisquel 6.

Resulta que tuve que reinstalar Trisquel 6, y me puse a descargar e instalar Popcorn Time. En la anterior instalación de Trisquel 6 lo instalé y me andaba perfectamente.

   Les cuento cómo es que lo instalo. Hice lo siguiente desde el Terminal:

   "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/popcorntime

   sudo apt-get update

   sudo apt-get install popcorn-time"

Las dos vueltas hice lo mismo, tanto la que anduvo, como la de ahora (o sea: la que no).

Cuando ejecuto el programa desde el Terminal me figuran al final ciertos errores.

   Les copio todo:

   "$ popcorn-time
popcorn-time: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1: no version information available (required by popcorn-time) /opt/popcorn-time/Popcorn-Time: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1: no version information available (required by /opt/popcorn-time/Popcorn-Time) [3514:0524/204745:INFO:CONSOLE(14)] ""Database path: /home/estanislao/.config/Popcorn-Time"", source: app://host/src/app/database.js (14) [3514:0524/204748:INFO:CONSOLE(161)] ""Scanning: /usr/bin"", source: app://host/src/app/lib/device/ext-player.js (161) [3514:0524/204748:INFO:CONSOLE(161)] ""Scanning: /usr/local/bin"", source: app://host/src/app/lib/device/ext-player.js (161) [3514:0524/204748:INFO:CONSOLE(46)] ""[%cINFO%c] Spawning new provider" "color: blue;" "color: black;" "Eztv"", source: app://host/src/app/app.js (46) [3514:0524/204749:INFO:CONSOLE(46)] ""[%cINFO%c] Window out of view, recentering x-pos" "color: blue;" "color: black;"", source: app://host/src/app/app.js (46) [3514:0524/204749:INFO:CONSOLE(46)] ""[%cINFO%c] Window out of view, recentering y-pos" "color: blue;" "color: black;"", source: app://host/src/app/app.js (46) [3514:0524/204750:INFO:CONSOLE(46)] ""[%cINFO%c] Loading DB" "color: blue;" "color: black;"", source: app://host/src/app/app.js (46) /proc/self/exe: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1: no version information available (required by /proc/self/exe)
[3551:0524/204750:ERROR:gl_surface_glx.cc(408)] glxQueryVersion failed
[3551:0524/204750:ERROR:gl_surface_x11.cc(58)] GLSurfaceGLX::InitializeOneOff failed. [3514:0524/204750:ERROR:breakpad_linux.cc(1225)] crash dump file written to /tmp/chromium-renderer-minidump-d520f2fb97b0e7b1.dmp"

¿Cómo arreglo estos errores, de modo tal que Popcorn Time arranque y funcione?

   Muchas gracias por su paciencia.


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