Blaine wrote:
> Abraham also held this High PH, which he received
> from Melchizedek himself, as he paid tithes to this
> great high priest and king.

The Lord willing, I will answer your post in more detail later, showing you
from the Bible how the Mormon teaching is way out in left field.  But until
then, let me point out that Abraham paying tithes to Melchizedek is evidence
that he was NOT of that priesthood.  Do the priests of Aaron pay tithes to
the priests of Aaron?  Of course not.  Think about it.  Those not part of
the priesthood pay tithes to those in the priesthood in order to support

When I get time, I will show you that the Bible very clearly shows the
priesthood of Melchisedec was established after Moses and abrogates the
Aaronic priesthood, and I will also show you that this priesthood is of the
line of Judah.  This misunderstanding of the priesthood is one of the
greatest blunders in Mormonism that I have ever seen.

While you are waiting for me to present this evidence, let me point out that
a major premise of my argument is that the Bible is the highest source of
authority by which we can judge these matters.  If you do not agree with
this premise, perhaps we should discuss it first.  If you are going to argue
that the Book of Mormon is right or the Doctrine and Covenants is right and
the Bible is wrong, then we will not get anywhere.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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