Hi Terry,

Sorry to butt in here, but just had to add my 2 cents worth (if it's worth
that!).  I appreciate your sincere desire to follow the teachings of Jesus.
But I think you are missing this: Jesus was teaching us how to live as
individual followers of the Lord. National governments are under a whole
different set of rules. God instituted our government to protect the
governed from harm and  to enforce civil laws. 

 People get all confused about it not being right for the government to put
murderers to death because Jesus taught us to forgive our enemies. They are
confusing individual laws from government laws.  GOD is the one who said the
government (which used to be carried out by the Jewish people in charge) is
to put certain violators of the laws to death. GOD is the one who said there
were times to kill enemies. At the time God laid down these rules, His
people lived in a Theocracy. So the civil government laws and the moral
individual laws were all mixed up together. 

Today the civil role of the government (no longer being a Theocracy, but a
Democracy) is separate from our individual, moral, laws. I am to forgive my
enemies. However, if my enemy has violated the government laws, the
government has a responsibility to me and all the governed to punish that
person.  I, as an individual, am forbidden by Jesus to avenge a murder
personally. However, the government has every right to do that. The same
goes for wars: the government decides what is best to protect our nation,
and godly men obey the government. Godly men serve in the military, as well.

My son, Todd, is a graduate of the US Air Force Academy, and a jet pilot.
(His wife, Shirley, is a Naval Academy graduate, no longer enlisted.) We
have a US flag that Todd gave us, which was in the cockpit with him when he
flew his 14th mission over the Iraq "No-Fly" zone. We display it proudly. He
is now in the Reserves, training new jet pilots.  Todd and Shirley are the
finest pair of Christians you would ever want to meet, and have no doubts
about serving God in military.

 I pray daily for our President, and for everyone in our military services.
They are not afraid that they are disobeying God in carrying out war; just
as our Founding Fathers were not. God Bless them all. Were it not for people
like them, you and I would not have our religious freedom, and would not be
able to spread the gospel.

Look at the religion you would be forced to live under if you were under the
authority of Saddam Hussein today. Perhaps one side effect of this coming
war is that God wants more freedom to spread the gospel to Arab nations
before He returns. 

I know I have babbled. Does anyone else think this way? I wish I could find
someone smarter than I who has written about these differences between
individual and government laws and roles.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God and war


Thanks for your thoughts.  What you suggest  is obviously the most effective
way to eliminate what we perceive to be a threat.  I personally would not
miss New York city but I suppose many people would.  It seems, however, that
following that logic, we would lock up everyone who might steal, take the
licenses of those who might speed, and make those who may divorce pay
alimony.  Is this nation so Godly that we can now tell others/force others
to do as we say?  Can we see clearly that this is what Jesus would have us
do? How do we justify our behavior based on the Sermon on the mount?  What
am I missing?


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God and war

> Terry wrote:
> > Will someone who has thought this
> > through please give me your findings?
> Hi Terry.
> >From my perspective, the options appear straight forward.  Saddam Hussein
> working toward obtaining nuclear weapons in a secretive manner.  Given the
> history he has had with invading Kuwait, and given his history of
> against the weapons inspectors, and given his hatred for the U.S., and
> remembering the 9/11 incident and his links to terrorism and support for
> it is very clear to me that if we don't deal with him now, we will have to
> deal with him after he has nuked New York city and perhaps other cities as
> well.
> >From my perspective, it's kind of like a guy you know who is about to
> your family.  As he is gathering his weapons together to do the job, do
> passively sit by and watch him kill your family, or do you shoot him down
> first?
> Perhaps the peaceful solution would be for us to elect Saddam as our
> President and let him lead our country.  In this case, maybe we would not
> have to worry about him nuking our cities, but is that really the more
> peaceful solution?
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA
> ----------
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