Terry wrote:
> Is this nation so Godly that we can now tell
> others/force others to do as we say?  Can
> we see clearly that this is what Jesus would
> have us do? How do we justify our behavior
> based on the Sermon on the mount?  What
> am I missing?

God appoints government to use force to judge between right and wrong.  The
Sermon on the mount is not about what government should or should not do,
but about what we as individuals ought to do.  If we as individuals need
lots of mercy, then we must give a lot of mercy.  This is all because
government runs by eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, etc.

So Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, not because he wanted to abolish
government, but because of our great need for mercy.

For example, I believe that government ought to protect society by arresting
murderers and if it is clear that they did commit murder, executing them.
However, as an individual in society, I am free to love the murderer in a
much different way.  For example, I love mercy and seek for mercy for
murderers.  I have had them in my church and in my home sleeping with me and
my family.  As an individual, I can turn the other cheek, but I would never
vote to get rid of laws against murder.

I have never been in the situation of having an intruder in my home who was
about to hurt my wife or children.  I have sometimes wondered what would
happen, because I have been attacked many times in preaching Christ.  I've
been strangled, hit with baseball bats, slugged, etc., but I have always
turned the other cheek.  But if someone was going to hurt my wife and
children, I believe my obligation would be to protect them, as a kind of
government of my family.  I think it would be sin upon me if I did not do
all I could to stop him, even though I tend not to protect myself from
injury in such situations.

The teaching of the New Testament, as I understand it, is not that judgment,
justice, and vengeance should not take place, but rather that we should
trust in the Lord to take care of these things for us, through government in
this age, and through his government in the age to come.  The idea of giving
place to wrath and letting government handle it is an idea of authority,
trust, submission, etc. that human nature tends not to follow.

With regard to your question about whether we are godly enough to force
others to do what we say, I don't see that being godly has anything to do
with it.  God often used heathen nations to judge Israel.  He anointed men
like Nebachadnezzar and Cyrus to carry out his sword of justice, men who
were not Israelites covenanted with him, nor were they godly men.  God is
one who operates by grace and election, then equips us to be faithful.  Our
calling and gifts are without repentance, but we might need to repent and
humble ourselves in order to be faithful to our calling.

It could be that Saddam Hussein is the beast of Revelation and Usama Bin
Laden is the false prophet.  It might be that they are forerunners, shadows,
of these men soon to appear on the scene.  If the first was the case, then I
might rethink my inclination to try and stop Hussein because according to
Scripture, he would have victory over the saints for a season.  On the other
hand, if he is not that man, why should we let evil prosper?  Should we
bless and encourage evil, or stop it?  If it is in our power to stop it,
that is what we should do (IMO).

What other options do we really have?  Sit back and let him strike us and
the rest of the world?

By the way, you seem to think no big deal about nuking New York City.  Is
that how you felt about the 9/11 incident also?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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