Follow the money indeed ...
"World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin
World War II was for World Wares, too (and predominantly).  It was a war for the industrialists (which one isn't?).
If you thought that was about freedom then you are unequivocally WRONG!
Truthfully yours,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 01/26/2003 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God and war

The answer is very clear in scripture:
MAT 6:24    {No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and
            love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
            other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.}
You have been hood-winked.  I have heard that Japan was provoked in WW2 and that our government knew that Pearl Harbor was being attacked.  We had to be convinced to go to war because the allies were loosing.  WW1 set the fate for a WW2.
Follow the money. 
I have no part in it.  I serve one master.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 4:30 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] God and war

Looking back on my life as an American citizen, I can remember world war two, the Korean "conflict, the Viet Nam thing, Desert Storm, Panama, Haiti, Bosnia, the Taliban, and now back to Iraq.  Very few of my sixty-nine years have been spent when we were not at war with someone.  WW two I can understand.  We were attacked.  It was self defense.  The others seem to have been fought because it was in our "national interest".
If I sound like a dove, I am not.  I took my turn during the "conflict". Neither am I a hawk.  I do not like to see old men send young men off to die, national interest or not. 
My grand son is in the army, just volunteered to go to Kuwait.  To him it is a great adventure.  Got me to wondering; how Christian is it to participate in a war where you are the agressor?  The Bible is chock full of wars in the Old Testament, but Christ never taught that to His followers.  It was "Go the extra mile, give the shirt off your back, and turn the other cheek. Don't go for all you can get here.  Lay up treasures in Heaven. The things of the world are just stuff, and stuff rots and rusts, and goes out of style."
I don't want to appear unpatriotic, but It is far more important to me to please my Lord than to please my government, and it appears impossible from my view to please both.
Will someone who has thought this through please give me your findings?

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