> Numbers 15 indicates that picking up sticks on Sabbath is punishable by
> death.  I don't see much difference between picking up sticks and
> picking up a television remote or the kids toys.  I don't know about
> you, but around here, picking up the kids toys is work! :-)

The man was in rebellion. It just so happened that he violated the Shabbat
with a "high hand."

> In Exodus 16:23, the Israelites were commanded to collect and bake or
> boil the manna the day before Sabbath so that they would not collect or
> cook on Sabbath.  Considering this commandment and the one made later:

I don't collect manna. You have extrapolated that this includes ANY food
preparation whatsoever. Some believe hunting and fishing might be included
as well.

> "Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the Sabbath
> day," (Exodus 35:3)

This has nothing to do with food.

> It seems pretty clear to me that God's law prohibits us from cooking
> meals on the Sabbath day.  Do you see it differently?

I can understand your position.

> I'm not attacking the commandments.  I'm trying to understand how you
> observe them.  I'm trying to understand if you observe them literally as
> commanded by Scripture, or if you observe them spiritually like I do.
> If you observe them spiritually, then I will wonder why you attack me
> for pointing this out.  :-)

I would like to know how one "spiritually" observe this command or any
other. Can you give a few examples of "spiritually" keeping commandments? I
don't attack "spiritual applications" of Scripture unless they are done to
the destruction of the "plain sense" of the text. Sounds rather Gnostic to

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ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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