You said:
And, earlier in that post he writes the words "Judy Jezebel"  --  proving 
that he can  actually rhyme and write at the same time.  Daniel  -- do you walk 
upright while slinging the club and dragging your woman back to the cave? 

Daniel responds:

And have you not ever read Psalm chapter 1?

"Blessed is the man . . .  WHO SITTETH NOT IN THE SEAT OF THE SCORNFUL."

You  enjoy making stupid, unfoudned statements of mockery to see who will "laugh" 
along with you?   Never outgrew your school "bully" days?  Typical of you pagan 
Christians.   Typical.
You said:  
Seems like Mary, the mother of a very adult Jesus, was deserving of full respect 
as she issued orders to her son  in John 3.  Or is it that women can give 
orders but not teach.   And your wife goes for this?   Give me a break.

Daniel  responds:

YHVH will take care of your breaks soon enough.  Unlike Spingola, I'll  leave  the 
fist throwing to Yah.  He packs  a much tougher punch than I do anyway.  Miriam (Mary) 
did not teach anyone in John chapter 3.  By the way, imbecile -- Miriam  is  not even 
mentioned once in John chapter 3.  I think it was John chapter 2 you were referring -- 
but she doesn't teach anyone in that passage either.  

You said:
I'll go find a hiding place, now

Daniel responds:

Revelation 6:16  will be a verse I pray you will taste in the near future.

All married females should be barefoot, pregnant  and in the kitchen -- as much as 
possible.   If you'd like scriptural support of that statement -- I'd be happy to give 
it!  :)

In YahShua and defending His  Eternal Torah,
Daniel John Lee

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ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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