Bill, I believe we are to obey the government as long as it does not violate our conscience. We obey God first, government 2nd. When the Revolutionaries fought for freedom from oppression (on many levels) I believe they were laying their lives on the line for what their conscience told them to do.  Some principles precede others. Do you think your government could ever violate your conscience to the point of your civil disobedience? Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wm. Taylor

AND SO, my question is STILL this: If, as you rightly observe, Paul exhorts Christians to obey those who have been given Governmental authority, why was it a "Christian" thing to do for our founders to disobey those who had been given Governmental authority over them?


I would very much like an answer to this question -- and not only from you, but from Izzy also. WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY AGAIN?





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