I understand about having babies and don't know if God would consider that breaking the Sabbath (though we might). However, I don't see preparing to rest one day a week too much to ask.  Jesus did say that the Sabbath was made for man and I've heard that expounded on quite often - how we need the rest and this is true.  However in Exodus 31:14 where God gives the command to Moses he says "it's a sign between Him and Israel for their generations" I don't see the 7th Day Adventists included in there though. I believe they verge on cultism. I have a good friend who joined them recently and she's gotten rid of all jewelry [including her wedding rings] and suddenly everything revolves around the Sabbath for her. I love her and we still talk but we've lost the sweet fellowship around God's Word that we used to enjoy. Doctrines like these are so divisive.
On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 08:26:39 -0500 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I don't know if dad would have known when baby was going to decide to make an appearance. Even today, we give an estimated due date. I've never delivered on any of my given due dates; I've always been late. Sometimes women labor for hours...maybe mom began labor Friday afternoon and was still laboring way into the night and into the early morning hours. Some 7th Day Adventists would say that the Sabbath was given for a sign as well, and if you don't have that Sabbath keeping sign or "mark", you go to hell. Sabbath was made for man.  I don't think it's called control by fear. I think it's called curse for disobedience. Sometimes the curse, or correction, has a high price, even today. Kay 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Good food for thought Kay - I know there is nothing we can do about when babies decide to make an appearance but don't you think that if dad knows the birth is any day now that he could prepare? God doesn't require of us more than we can give and there was another aspect to the Sabbath for Israel and this is the Covenant with Moses; the Sabbath was given for a sign so that man was a Covenant breaker also.  It was God who said he should be stoned after the ppl had apprehended him not knowing what to do.  So it appears as though he was made a public example of what not to do.  Is this called "control by fear?"  I've experienced rebellion first hand also and think seeing a public stoning would have had an impact. WDYT?
On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 07:43:08 -0500 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I think he very could be that nutty. We see nuttiness like that every day. It's called rebellion. We do things everyday just because our parents say no, our doctor says no, etc. Doc says...no more cantaloupe...you'll have a severe reaction and what happens? We crave cantaloupe. Mom says: Don't smoke dope, your brain will go mushy. We say...REALLY? Let's find out....The reference to the fire going is very good....however, the command on that is not to KINDLE a fire on the Sabbath. If he already had a fire going, it would be okay to keep it going, especially if it was cold. Scenario: It's cold and a baby was just born in the camp. It happens to be Sabbath. Dad wants to be able to keep his newborn babe warm and goes and gathers sticks. If baby isn't kept warm, he will die. I don't think God would kill dad....saving life supercedes Sabbath law. I also believe GIVING (I don't know if that's the right word I want) life supercedes. I've had several of my children born on Sabbath. That's certainly work to me....but there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop labor once it's started! Kay

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Surely he wasn't that "nutty" - I see him as someone who was lacked the fear of God [like Korah] and followed after his flesh which the Law was there to curb.  It's human nature to want to be on top of the game or two steps ahead of everyone else so this fellow was pushing the envelope and I don't think he really believed that God was going to do anything about it; I heard someone once say 'you know if he was getting wood that he had a fire going somewhere and so that's probably not all he was doing.   jt
On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 07:19:17 -0500 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
The man picking up sticks was probably doing it to flip the bird to God. That's very different than attempting to beautify the campground. K.



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