I was just wanting your definition of Mormon you have since sent it.
Do you disagree with the fact that for a Mormon the Living Prophet is the ultimate Authority on this earth?
How do you determine just WHEN to FOLLOW the PROPHET?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:  Hey Kevin....Did you miss my last few words......     ;-)

Kevin Deegan wrote:
DAVEH says: To me to not define Christian leaves it pretty much in the air
We can have all the definitions we want.
If I asked you how WIDE is my driveway, you may say 7 feet, I might say 8 feet Judy may say 9 feet
Until we get the RULER out we can have all the OPINIONS we want.
There is ONLY ONE STANDARD of measurement the RULER.
It will settle all doubt. It is and sets the STANDARD.
Anything else or any other persons input is just an Opinion
None of us is the STANDARD.
In the case of Mormonism the SUPREME STANDARD is set by the GENERAL AUTHORITIES and in particular, the PROPHET (FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW)
ONLY the general Authorities have the ability to define "Mormonism"
They say you have NO RIGHT to determine anything apart from what the PROPHETS have already said on a topic.
When they point the way it is supposed to clear it all up, it should MARK the END of Controversy!
That is the WHOLE POINT of having a Prophet.
How else can we know, which is the way?
You seem to  FOLLOW the PROPHET SOME of the TIME
Mormons claim FOLLOW the PROPHET.
You don't why should we?
Did you not PROMISE to sustain the Prophet in ALL THINGS? or just some?
REMEMBER God will do nothing without revealing it to you know who.
"Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."  Amos 3:7
I thought Mormons believed that God ALWAYS lead his people through prophets, not through debate, councils or individuals outside the Authorities.
How do you determine just WHEN to FOLLOW the PROPHET?
What STANDARD do you use?
Your Opinions?
Opinions of others?
Personal Revelation?
What if your REVELATION contradicts The PROPHETS REVELATION?
some from column A some from column B?
Flip a coin?
Really, just how do you determine?
I suspect your definition is Very BROAD you might need to NARROW it down some.
Still waiting on your Opinion about what is "Mormon"
Still in the AIR !

" Have we not a right to make up our minds in relation to the things recorded in the word of God, and speak about them, whether the living oracles believe our views or not? We have not the right...God placed Joseph Smith at the head of this church; God has likewise placed Brigham Young at the head of this church; and he has required you and me, male and female, to sustain those authorities placed over us in all things, and receive their words as from the mouth of God..." - Orson Pratt, Apostle, Journal of Discourses 7:374-375, Sermon January 29, 1860
" When our leaders speak, the thinking has been done. When they propose a plan - it is God's plan. When they point the way, there is no other way that is safe. When they give direction, it should mark the end of controversy." - Improvement Era, June 1945, p. 354
" God made Aaron to be the mouthpiece for the Children of Israel, and he made me to be god to you in His stead, and the Elders to be the mouth for me; and if you don't like it, you must lump it." - Joseph Fielding Smith, Teaching of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 363

"...learn to do as you are told,...if you are told by your leader to do a thing, do it, none of your business whether it is right or wrong." - Herber C. Kimball, 1st Counselor to Brigham Young. Journal of Discourses, v.2, p.106

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

Judy Taylor wrote:
Well there is the broad road and the narrow way - everyone is on one or the other but only one of them will lead to life. Defining what the word Christian means is neither here nor there.  jt
DAVEH:   ???   I don't quite follow your thinking on that one, Judy.  I would think defining one's goals would assist in reaching them.  If one doesn't know what defines a Christian, then how can one be one?  For instance....If a person of a specific sect (e.g.....Holy Rollers) says that to be a Christian, one has to join the HR movement.....then that would define it for that person in a specific way.  One can then have the opinion that to become a Christian, he could sign up for HR and meet that criteria.  Yet another person would probably define being Christian in another way that meets a different criteria. 

    To me to no t define Christian leaves it pretty much in the air.  Can a person who does not have a definition for Christian really be a Christian?   Just thinking out loud on this....go easy on me!   :-) .

Dave Hansen
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