In a message dated 1/19/2005 6:41:04 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 09:08:19 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
How about just discussing the validity of the teaching in question?  

You can't do that without insulting the person or the teaching itself?

jt: Why not?  We should be able to be Berean here which is to compare different teachings alongside the Word of God
How does one insult a teaching it is either true or false and if false it needs to be brought to the light. If a person holding on
to it as truth is insulted then they are holding on too tightly and it is a chance to let go.  Only truth will stand in that day.
I count only four contributors on this forum who apprently can't comply.  4 out of 14 contributors  --   obviously it can be done.
And you don't overlook anything considered negative.    Nothing.  John

Context, Judy, context.   Reread my post.   I am sure you can figure out what "comply" attaches itself to.  


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