It is Absurd and HIPPOcritical to whine about sensitivity and then call someone a FUNDIE!
Canada is an INSANE ASYLUM run by the Inmates!

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wasn't speaking only to you, Iz.  In my opinion, we all need to try harder not to offend and need to try harder not to be offended.  I know this to be true in my case and suspect it is true in many cases.  Edify, edify, edify (when possible)

ShieldsFamily wrote:

Terry, I am turning the other cheek.  Not ruffled a bit.  Just trying to point out the obvious.  Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Hill Cumorah


ShieldsFamily wrote:

Yes, it is intended to be a put-down and you know it.  If you want to say fundamentalist, just say so.  However, that also is just a put down label from liberals as well.  I do not call myself a fundamentalist since that is just a catch-all phrase coined by those who hate Believers; but that is the camp you have put me into, and why should I care what slurs you attach to me anyway? So how is it that you guys think calling someone a Fundie is any better than  Perry?s good-natured questions to Blaine? You are just selective in who will receive your political correctness and who you think is unworthy of it.  Those who say such unkind things to Believers reveal their bias against us in such obvious ways. It reveals your underlying, motivating spirit.  Protect those who follow satan and attack those who follow Jesus. Izzy


Maybe we should all give turning the other cheek a try.  At least a few times, just to get the feel of what Jesus was talking about.

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