I understand your answer, Dave, but I have problems with it.  What brought about this comment by Jesus was the possibility of more than one wife here on earth.  If your first wife dies, you are free to take another.  We know that God's plan for man has always been one man for one woman for life.  If that is His desire here, then it would be His desire in Heaven, if there were marriages in Heaven.  That creates a problem for the man that has married two or more women who preceeded him in death.  The problem being, who would be the one wife?  Because of this, Jesus has proclaimed that there will be no marriage in Heaven, except the marriage of the Church to the Lamb, the King, Jesus Himself.  It solves the problem of multiple marriages and it solves the problem of what to do with a believer whose spouse has gone to Hell while the believer entered Heaven.  No husband? No problem.  We are married to the Lord.
I think you misunderstand what the Bible teaches concerning this.  Your view simply presents too many obstacles to be workable.

Thanks for your thoughts though.

Dave Hansen wrote:
DAVEH:  And good afternoon to you, Brother Terry!     :-)

    Let me quote vs 30......

For in the resurrection, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

........Note that he is talking about during/after the resurrection period, folks will will not have the opportunity to get married.  It does not address those who have been married and sealed in mortality for eternity.  That may not make much sense, so let me elaborate a bit....

    Terry....when you were married, did the minister use language similar to the familiar "to death do you part" that is commonly used in many Christian marriages?  If so, does that seem to you to be a divorce clause of sorts?  IOW, upon your spouse's demise, do you not become unmarried, and are thereby eligible to marry again if you so choose?  Assuming you've been nodding your head in agreement with me so far, then your earthly marriage was for time only, and not applicable to life after death....agreed?

    From my LDS perspective, marriages can be of two types....time only while in mortality, as I discussed above and secondly for time and eternity, meaning those who enter into such a covenant are sealed together beyond death.  Their matrimonial relationship does not end upon the death of either spouse,  but continues to be recognized beyond the veil of death.

    We believe that the Lord gave power to some of his servants (like Peter) to form eternal unions on earth........

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.   Mt 16:19

......that will be recognized in heaven and will extend beyond the barrier we call death.  As Jesus was explaining in the passages you mentioned, such sealings won't be in effect in heaven if they don't first happen on earth. 

    Does that answer your question, Terry?

    Note to Perry:   Does my above explanation draw another criticism for preaching Mormonism?

Terry Clifton wrote:
Good morning, mister Hansen.  I have a serious request.  Can you explain to me how Mormons will have wives in Heaven when Jesus plainly teaches in Matt 22:29-33 that there will be no marriages in Heaven, no husbands and wives?
Thank you.

Dave Hansen
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