From: "David Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Judy wrote:
> Was Jesus born with a regular fleshly human
> nature as per Galatians 5:19

Gal. 5:19ff describes the kind of behavior that would have been
in Jesus if he had followed his flesh.  The behavior listed there does
describe Jesus because he followed the Spirit and not the flesh.  The
is that Jesus CONQUERED all the temptations listed here.  Jesus had
over them.  If his flesh was not like our flesh, he would not have had 
victory over these temptations.  Note that even after being born again
and receiving 
the Spirit of Christ, we have all these things abiding in our flesh.  Why
aren't they alive? 

jt: They are for too many of us and just like with the children of Israel
when they
entered Canaan.  God does not drive all of the enemies out immediately
of our ignorance, we wouldn't be strong enough to stand since we have
trained in unrighteousness.

Why aren't we walking in adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, strife, seditions, heresies, envy, murder, 
drunkenness, and partying on weekends?  

jt: All of these sadly have a large part in the professing church.  Even
my pastor who
is a godly man reminded me last night that ppl are prone to sin.

The reason is because we reckon our flesh dead by the power of the
Spirit's operation 
in our life.  

jt: Yes, this is what we do when we walk after the Spirit consistently.
is the problem for us.  I don't see that it was a problem for Him though.

The existence of all this within our flesh does not condemn us and
prevent us from 
being holy.  Neither did it make Jesus Christ unholy.  

jt: It wasn't in Him; he was the Son of God - remember. The second Adam.
I don't
believe he was born a member of the first Adamic race and became the
second Adam
at the resurrection - is this what you are saying?

Rather, the existence of this within his body illustrated his great power
over sin.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

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