On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 07:32:09 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
When that which you say that God means, through always and only selecting (YOUR choices) citations appropo to the issue at hand) and that which God means are univocal (of one meaning) then, each of us (yes, including me) will simply reply AMEN JUDY/GOD!l
Why would it be Judy/God - when I authored none of it? and neither did any of the prophets for that matter.
I, and I trust all other TT participants, would acknowledge that the above is SOMETIMES the case.
You appear to believe that this is ALWAYS the case.
It's the nature of faith Lance to believe that what God reveals so far as His Word is concerned is, in fact, truth. Not mine - It's HIS
and He lets us in on it.
IFF 'they' (John, Bill, "G'") read this post then, I should appreciate having them say this in their own words and, once and for all,
clarify this issue so that we might move on.
And why not Iz, Terry, Kevin, Dean, and DavidM?  I would prefer to hear from them, thank you. Not much use appealing to
ppl whose writings are many times incomprehensible.. they wouldn't put anything to rest - at least not for me.
Well Lance, the only alternative I see is to use the verses in Romans that you like and interpret them to fit your
extra Biblical doctrine - then cut the rest out.  Facts are "You must be born again" to inherit God's Kingdom.
If you don't think that what I wrote is God's Word then you will need to read your Bible some more Lance.
On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 06:36:21 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
This (the citations below) are Judy's choices oF Scriptures which elucidate Judy's apprehension of what God has to say about these matters. UNLESS YOU CLAIM A LEADING OF THE SPIRIT ABOVE AND BEYOND YOUR FELLOW BELIEVERS (do you?) THEN, IT WILL ALWAYS BE THUS. This response is to your saying 'AT LEAST THIS IS WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT IT'. ATY Judy! (According to you, Judy!)
And so it is,  that man (in Romans chapter 1) sees the creation as a witness of God just as surely as God is at
work within him  both to will and to accomplish His pleasure.   It is all about God.   We can either attach ourselves
to this reality and inherit life or we can refuse the only reality that is and die.   What a choice !!
We have no power to attach ourselves to anything JD, we can only come to Christ one way and this is by being
drawn by the Father through the Spirit by the Word and it is the "engrafted Word" which is able to save the soul
as we choose to walk in it. 
In Romans 1:18,19 - Yes men can know by the creation that there is a God, but when they don't glorify Him
as God and hold the truth in unrighteousness - their foolish hearts are darkened.  So where would you get the
idea that God is at work in those who have never surrendered to Christ?  These people have a different spirit
at work in them (See Ephesians 2:1,2) which is  the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.
At least this is what God says about it.

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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