Let me take a 'shot' at it (the SATANISM THINGY)
If a group adheres to a theology wherein 1. their god was a man who became a god who begat children (spiritually) who subsequently inhabited that god's planet and rebelled against their god partly through the temptation of one of their god's sons (lucifer) so that one of their god's other sons (jesus) had to be born through a union of their god and one of the people on that god's planet (mary) so as to redeem the 'rebelled ones' THEN I WOULD SAY THAT THERE JUST MIGHT BE SOMETHING TO THIS SATANISM THINGY"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: December 16, 2005 14:58
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] SO THEN it is safe to assume that NO MORMON RESPONSE TO THE "...

In a message dated 12/16/2005 12:45:28 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Y'all are pleased to engage on minutiae but on the big issues y'all 'take a pass'? WHY?
Blainerb:  I consider a post that suggests Mormons adhere to Satanism to be a "big issue."  Are you suggesting Kevin be allowed to "take a pass"  on this issue?  That suggests to me he has no URL tying the photo to LDS buildings, and wants to be let off the hook.  If he does have such, I am interested in seeing the source, whether it be valid, or just another anti-Mormon potshot at the LDS Church. 

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