In a message dated 12/16/2005 1:37:07 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Go back and reread the posts
I did not say Mormons are Satanists
I asked a simple question "why do you have satanic symbols on your building?"
Blainerb:  The answer is and always has been, we do not have Satanist symbols on our buildings. If they appear to be such, then they are only such in the eye of the beholder.  They were never intended to be Satanist symbols, but the opposite--symbols of  Jesus Christ, of heaven, etc.  This, of course, led to a discussion on why we do not have crosses, as you will remember.  And then everyone got all upset because we had stars, not crosses, on our buildings.  Now a lot of people are mad at us because, as they say at least, we "hate crosses" which we actually do not.  Hmmm, we have been through a lot together, huh Kevin?  It gets almost humorous, doesn't it? 

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