I think you named the apostles correctly. It appears that your list of names of the others goes down hill from there. You did not even mention Joseph Smith. Certainly he was as much a (False) prophet as Calvin and more influential than any of the liberals you chose to honor.
You might want to get a good grip on reality and rethink this.


Within the church , God has placed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teacher. There collective ministries are given a threefold purpose, but the specifics of each functionary is unique and even exclusive. The apostles and prophets are a case in point. They are a part of those named in Eph 4:11 ff while , at the same time, considered apart from the remaining categories (evangelists, pastors and teachers). It is the apostles and prophets who are the foundation of the "household of God" (Eph 2:20.) Because they are named as the foundation of the Church, we can be confident that their ministries compliment each other. The apostles are given an identify -- the "12" -- while, in fact, their numbers include the original 12, Matthias, Paul, Barnabas, James the brother of Jesus, and arguably Apollos, Silvanus and Titus. With this group of men, we have the writings of all NT scripture except the historical record of Luke (Luke/Acts). The apostles were charged with world mission, binding and loosing and the performace of miracles as an extension (in the Spirit) of who they were. All the recorded miracles of the NT scripture are performed by Jesus or one of the apostles. Their counterpart is the prophet. Whereas the apostles were given to the First Church, the prophets continue with the church throughout the ages. It is not the prophets work to continue the addition of scripture. That work was completed with the apostles. The scriptures were finished with the passing of the apostles. In time, the Church Catholic was challenged to identify those scriptures and, with the providential consideration of God, the Bible was the result. The prophet, named as a part of the foundation of the church (Eph 2:20) is, in reality, those we commonly refer to as "theologian." He is the one who continues the work of the apostle as he illuminates the message, keeping the biblical message at center stage and fresh for each new era within the church. People like Athanasuius, Eusebias, Origen, Tertullian, Calvin, Luther, Barth are prophets to the Church Catholic while others, less catholic in function, add to this illuminary function, men like Wesley, Torrance, NT Wright, and, finally, those who have read and are acquainted with the above and have a good working knowledge of the written word, people like Debbie Sawczak, Bill Taylor, Victor Shepherd, Jon Hughs and the like. It is the prophet that keeps the word alive and helps to keep us centered on the Christ. The evangelist, pastor and teacher benefit from these prophets and give their (the prophets) conributions meaning to those within the church who have a better understanding of the common man and his language. And, so , the church at all levels is benefited, edified, regenerated with the living word without adding more and more scripture and bigger and better phenom. A truly divine arrangement. jd

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