It is not additional revelation that we object to, per se, and many (if not most) Christians feel that if it is in God's will, additional revelation would be welcome.

DAVEH:   That isn't the way I've understood most Protestants to believe.  If so, then why is there such a reluctance to add to the Word, so to speak?  When I've addressed the need for current revelation on TT in the past, some TTers have used Rev 22.......

[18] For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: their (faulty) logic in dismissing the option of God revealing more Scripture.  And, I've heard that from more than just one single TTer.  It is a common argument that is used by many Protestants......and as such, it would suggest that your above comment about........

additional revelation would be welcome

is not correct.  Can you give me some examples of Protestants making such a claim anywhere on the net?  That is such a simple and concise statement, one would think it would be easy to google it and turn up a lot of examples of Protestants saying exactly the same thing with exactly the same words.   Yet this is what I got when I tried it.......

Your search - "additional revelation would be welcome" - did not match any documents.

........Which to me would seem very strange if it was a commonly believed desire of Protestants.

Many of us believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is complete.

DAVEH:  Which is why I think you are myopic on this, Perry.  Are there ANY Protestants who think otherwise?  Doesn't believing in that manner suggest that you would not welcome any additional revelation, as it would imply that your basic premise is flawed?  How can you consider the gospel of Jesus Christ to be complete, and then welcome additional revelation?   I can only assume that the many you mentioned below does not include you?

Should God choose to reveal more scripture it would be welcome

DAVEH:  As I see it, Protestantism would not be receptive to it at all........especially, if such revelations were to point out the errors promulgated by Protestant theology.  I would be most interested in seeing you find stuff on the net to support your above claim.  I suspect you are merely saying such to pacify my belief that Protestantism does not readily welcome more revelation from God.  If there are many Protestants who believe as you should be easy for you to provide evidence, Perry.  Otherwise, I can only assume you are grinding your ax against Mormonism.

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

  It is not additional revelation that we object to, per se, and many (if not most) Christians feel that if it is in God's will, additional revelation would be welcome. And to many, additional personal revelation is accepted.

  Many of us believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is complete. That the faith was delivered once for all to the saints (Jude 3). No more is necessary, and what we have is sufficient for understanding God's will for mankind, and attaining salvation. Should God choose to reveal more scripture it would be welcome...but, to date, no works fulfill that goal.

  We have been warned in scripture that if anyone preaches a different gospel than the Apostles taught, they are accursed. (2 Cor 11:3,4; Gal 1:6-9)

  It is the heretical, contradictory, and unbiblical nature of the mormon extra-biblical works, the nefarious background of JS, the lies and deceit of the mormon church that we object to. These prevent real Christians from accepting the mormon works as revelation, or as "another testament of Jesus Christ". This all points to one thing...the mormon system is not of God. THAT is what we object to. It is a FALSE religion.


Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] apostles and prophets
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 09:04:34 -0800

*It is perhaps perplexing to them why you would so adamantly argue that the Scriptures have been closed.*

DAVEH:    Yes DavidM, that is correct.....Such does perplex us.   I'm suspect there may be other reasons as well, but it almost seems that the argument for closure is just a knee jerk reaction because of JS's contribution of post Biblical revelations.  From our perspective, it appears that Protestants have truly put the blinders on in an effort to avoid hearing anything God might want them to know that is not included in the Bible.

   Apparently, the only thing that is going to be accepted in a post Biblical sense, will be Jesus.....and that only after he shows the nail prints in his hands.

   If God felt the need to reveal his will through the apostles and prophets of Bible times, it truly does seem strange to us (LDS) that many Christians in this era would reject the idea that God could/would do the same today.   To think that God revealed everything we need to know several thousand years ago, and that it has been 100% recorded in what we know as the Bible.....seems a bit more than might even be insulting to a Lord whose methods are claimed not to change.

/*It appears that such dogma comes out of convenience rather than conviction.*/

DAVEH:  To me, it seems more a matter of stubbornness, rather than convenience.  To allow God to reveal more than he has currently revealed would simply upset the applecart, so to speak.  Protestantism has invested heavily in both time and effort building a framework of theology that stands apart from Catholicism, and has adopted a no change policy that would prevent anybody from making waves.  IOW.....Why would they (Protestants) want to take a chance on finding out that some of their basic premises are wrong!  It is much easier to assume correctness of theology, and refuse to hear anything that might be contrary.  Hence, they stubbornly reject anything God might reveal outside the Bible.

David Miller wrote:

As for the Scritpures being closed.... I have expressed in this forum many times in the past that my perspective is that I do not expect more Scriptures to be forthcoming.  Nevertheless, there is no mandate or decree that closes the Canon.  It is only an assumption we have that there will not be any more Scriptures written until Christ himself returns.  I suspect those just before Christ came the first time thought the same thing. Nevertheless, Christ did come, and soon more Scriptures were written.  The only reason such a point is necessary is honesty in approaching the subject. I'm sure to the Mormons, who believe that other Scriptures have been written, you appear unable to think outside your little theological box.  *It is perhaps perplexing to them why you would so adamantly argue that the Scriptures have been closed.*  /*It appears that such dogma comes out of convenience rather than conviction.*/

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